
August 28, 2024

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Creating a Simple Resume for Freshers: Your Ultimate Guide to Landing That First Job

Creating a Simple Resume for Freshers: Your Ultimate Guide to Landing That First Job

Resume template for freshers

Creating a resume can feel daunting, especially when you're unsure how to present yourself professionally without prior work experience. You might be asking, "How do I make an impression as a fresher?" That’s where this resume for freshers guide comes in to help.

In this resume for freshers guide, you’ll learn how to create a professional resume that emphasizes your strengths, highlights your potential, and grabs the attention of employers. We’ll explore the key elements of resume building, provide useful tips for crafting a resume when you’re just starting out, and link to unique resume templates designed to help you stand out from the crowd.

If you're building your first resume, get a jump-start with our free professional resume templates. Easily customize and download a CV or resume for free!

Table of contents

Must-Have Sections for a Fresher's Resume

Before you start to make a resume, it’s important to know what sections to include because certain info is simply a must-have. How you structure these sections in your resume is vitally important as well. In fact, your resume's structure is one of the key puzzle pieces to making a great first impression.

Here's a pro tip: While order is important and there is an ideal resume structure, your resume sections might differ. For example, if you have limited formal education but extensive hands on experience, you’ll want to list your experience above education. A best practice here is to ensure that your most relevant skills and qualifications are prominently displayed at the top, making them the first thing an employer sees. This approach highlights your strongest selling points right away, increasing your chances of making a strong first impression.

Swap out any sections for ones that are more relevant to you and your qualifications. For example, you can swap "certifications" for "awards."

Here’s a breakdown of the must-have sections to include on a simple resume for freshers in the ideal order:

1. Contact Information

Your contact information is the first thing potential employers see, so make sure it’s complete and professional. This section should include:

  • Full Name: Use the name you go by professionally.
  • Phone Number: Double-check that this is correct. Missing a call from a potential employer because of a typo would be a nightmare! And make sure you have space to receive voicemails.
  • Email Address: Your email should be simple and professional - ideally, a variation of your name. We'll expand more on this below, as this is a key element of a strong professional profile.
  • LinkedIn Profile: If you have a LinkedIn profile, include it. It adds credibility and gives employers a chance to learn more about you. If you don't have a LinkedIn profile...make one! Follow the steps below to get this done. This is another key element of a strong professional profile.

2. Objective or Summary

The objective or summary is a brief statement that gives employers a snapshot of who you are and what you’re aiming for. 

For freshers, including an objective can be effective as it highlights your career aspirations. However, for those with years of professional experience in the role, an objective is less relevant.

  • Keep It Concise: Two to four short and clear sentences is enough. Try to keep each sentence under 18 words. This is a short amount of text but you want it to be highly impactful. So pack a big punch! Consider mentioning who you are/what you do, your top three skills, something great you've recently achieved or what you hope to achieve in the role.
  • Tailor Each Resume and Application: Customize this section for each job you apply to. Aligning your objective with the company’s mission can make a big difference. It'll let them know you've done your research, and stand out to them as unique.

For example: “Enthusiastic marketing graduate eager to apply my skills in content creation in a dynamic startup environment.”

3. Education

As a fresher, your education is one of your strongest assets. This section should detail your academic background, including:

  • Degree: State the full title of your degree (e.g., Bachelor of Science in computer science or PA to MD). Be sure to follow correct capitalization rules for majors, academic programs, and degrees.
  • Institution: Name the university or college you attended.
  • Graduation Date: If you’re still studying, mention your expected graduation date.
  • GPA: If your GPA is impressive, feel free to include it. If not, you can leave this out.
  • Relevant Coursework: If certain courses are particularly relevant to the job, list them here.
  • Extracurriculars: Include any clubs or organizations you were involved in to showcase your genuine interest in relevant subjects. This also demonstrates that you're a team player and eager to contribute beyond mandatory responsibilities.

4. Skills

Your skills section is where you highlight both hard and soft skills that make you a suitable candidate for the job.

  • Hard Skills: These are job-specific abilities, like programming languages, software proficiency such as Cloud ERP software, or technical knowledge.
  • Soft Skills: These are transferable skills like communication, teamwork, and problem-solving.
  • Be Specific: Rather than listing generic skills, try to be as specific as possible. For instance, instead of “design skills” you might list “Proficient in Kittl.” Add something quantitive or qualitive where relevent. For example, you could say, "3 years proficiency in Kittl."

5. Experience

Even if you’re a fresher, you likely have some experience that’s worth showcasing. This could be internships, part-time jobs, volunteer work, or even significant academic projects.

  • Internships: If you’ve had any internships, list them here with details about your role and what you accomplished.
  • Part-Time Jobs: Even if it’s not directly related to your field, a part-time job shows responsibility and work ethic.
  • Volunteer Work: Volunteering demonstrates commitment and a willingness to contribute to a cause.
  • Achievements: Wherever possible, quantify your achievements. These could be professional or personal achievements (e.g., “Increased customer satisfaction by 20% during internship”).

6. Projects

You may feel stumped because you don't have much experience or a long list of skills to full your resume with. This is common for freshers, so don't worry because everyone has to start somewhere. This is why we recommend adding a projects section. This is particularly valuable for freshers as it's a place where you can demonstrate practical experience and problem-solving abilities from school projects or home projects you've been involved in. Here's what you should add to this section:

  • Project Title: Give each project a clear, descriptive title.
  • Description: Explain what the project was about, your role, and the outcome.
  • Skills Used: Mention any tools, software, or methodologies you employed with these projects to demonstrate the value the project gave you.
  • Results: Highlight any tangible outcomes, such as a completed app, a successful event, or a published paper.

7. Certifications

Certifications can set you apart from other candidates by showing that you’ve gone the extra mile to gain additional knowledge or skills. Here's the info you'll want to include:

  • Certification Name: Include the full name of the certification.
  • Issuing Organization: Mention the organization that issued the certification.
  • Date: State when you received it.

8. Hobbies and Interests

While this section is optional, it can be a great way to showcase your personality and interests that are relevant to the job. It will also be a helpful way for companies to know if you're a good cultural fit.

  • Relevant Interests: Focus on hobbies that demonstrate skills or qualities valuable to the job, like teamwork (e.g., sports) or creativity (e.g., painting). For example, if it's job for a healthcare company, hobbies such as yoga and medication can showcase your understanding of mental health. Involvement in team sports can highlight your ability to work in a team environment. And an interest in cooking or nutrition can reflect an interest in healthy living.
  • Unique Activities: If you have a unique hobby that can spark conversation, it might help you stand out. Companies look for candidates that will get along with other employees and add to their company culture. So while your hobbies and interests will ideally use this section to hint at how interesting you are. For example, maybe you've

8. Languages (Optional)

If you are proficient in more than one language, this section can be an excellent addition to your resume, especially if the job requires communication in multiple languages or if you're applying to a company that operates internationally you might be applying to a business that’s hiring in the United States but based in Europe, for example. Here's what to include:

Language: List the languages you speak, read, or write.

Proficiency Level: State your proficiency level in each language. Common categories include:

  • Native/Bilingual Proficiency: You speak the language fluently, as a native speaker would.
  • Full Professional Proficiency: You can use the language in a work setting with ease, including in complex conversations.
  • Professional Working Proficiency: You can manage conversations and tasks in the language, though you may not be completely fluent.
  • Limited Working Proficiency: You can understand and communicate basic work-related concepts.
  • Elementary Proficiency: You have a basic understanding and can engage in simple conversations.

Graduate students entering the workforce

Tips for Making a Resume with No Experience

As a fresher, you might feel that your lack of experience puts you at a disadvantage. However, there are several strategies you can use to create a strong resume that highlights your potential:

Emphasize Education and Projects

Since you may not have much work experience, lean into your education and academic projects. Discuss your coursework, highlight major projects, and explain how they’ve prepared you for the job you’re applying for.

  • Relevant Coursework: If you’ve taken courses that align with the job, make sure to mention them. This can demonstrate your knowledge base.
  • Project Descriptions: Go beyond just listing projects—explain what you did, what you learned, and how it’s relevant to the role.
  • Academic Achievements: If you’ve received any awards or honors, list them to showcase your dedication and success as a student.

Use Action Words

When describing your experiences or projects, use action-oriented language to convey a sense of accomplishment and proactivity. Words like “developed,” “initiated,” “coordinated,” and “achieved” help to create a dynamic and impactful resume.

Instead of saying you “helped with a project,” say you “coordinated a project team of five members to successfully deliver a marketing campaign ahead of schedule.”

Additionally, instead of simply listing tasks, emphasize what you accomplished in each role or project. Provide strong examples and, whenever possible, quantify your achievements. Use numbers to illustrate the impact you made.

Tailor Your Resume

One of the most effective ways to make your resume stand out is by tailoring it to each job you apply for. This means tweaking your objective, skills, and experiences to align closely with the job description. Utilizing embedded business intelligence tools can streamline this process, allowing you to collect and analyze job data to better understand what skills and qualifications are in demand, ultimately helping you refine your resume for each application.

  • Research the Job: Carefully read the job posting and identify key skills and qualifications the employer is looking for.
  • Customize Your Objective: Rewrite your objective to reflect the specific job and company.
  • Match Skills: Emphasize the skills that are most relevant to the job, even if they aren’t the ones you initially planned to highlight. Include buzzwords that are on the job listing in your resume. This will help employers make a direct connection between the listing and your skillset.

Create a Strong Employee Profile

Your resume is just one piece of the puzzle. To go above and beyond, you want to cover all your bases and stand out! One way to do that is to make sure you have a strong profile across social channels and referenced on your resume. This helps potential employers see you beyond your resume and helps them learn more about you. 

Plus, creating a strong employee profile, particularly on LinkedIn, can help you build your professional brand and attract potential employers. 

Below are key ways to build your professional profile - you want to ensure a cohesive and polished image across all social channels, optimizing your appearance wherever potential employers may look:

Include links to your website and LinkedIn on your resume for easy digital viewing. This also enhances your image as a strong, proactive, and well-rounded applicant. Always double-check that there are no broken links to ensure employers can access your information without any issues.

Make a Professional Email

As mentioned above, you’ll want to use a professional email address. This is a crucial part of your job search toolkit. It’s one of the first things employers will see, and it sets the tone for your communications.

  • Your email address should be easy to remember and directly associated with your name. Avoid using nicknames, numbers, or anything that could be seen as unprofessional. So make sure you’re not using that [email protected] email address you created as a kid. 
  • Your email should follow a format like [email protected].
  • Use a well-known email service like Gmail or Outlook. These providers are widely recognized, reliable, and easy to use.
  • If possible, create a new email address specifically for job searching. Avoid using a current work email or email that you use for personal use such as online shopping. This will keep your job-related communications organized and ensures any responses you may get don’t get lost in a sea of emails. 

If possible, set up instant notifications for this work email on your phone to quickly see and respond to interview offers.

Build a Professional Website

Depending on the type of roles you’re applying for, you’ll often be asked to include a link to your professional website. If the job positions you want ask for a professional website, you definitely want to provide one. If they don’t ask, it’s an excellent way to stand out. 

Think of it as your more creative digital resume. It’s a place where you can expand on the details in your resume and showcase your skills, projects, and creativity. Especially as a fresher, having a website can set you apart from other candidates and you’ll automatically set you apart from those who don’t. If you're targeting global opportunities, working with a translation company can ensure your website is accessible and appealing to international recruiters, helping to further increase your chances of landing a job.

These days, setting up a website is easier than ever. Here’s the simple steps you need to follow to build a professional website. And don’t forget to link to it on your resume!

  • Start with a Free Website Provider: You don’t need to invest heavily to build a free professional website. Platforms like Wix offer free plans and domains, making it easy for you to get started without any cost. Wix provides user-friendly templates that are perfect for beginners, allowing you to create a polished website without needing to know how to code.
  • Include Resume Information: Make sure your website includes all the information from your resume, such as your education, skills, projects, and contact details. This ensures consistency and gives employers a comprehensive view of your qualifications.
  • Tailor to Your Style: While it’s important to keep your website clean and simple, it’s also your chance to express your personality. Choose a design that reflects your style - whether it’s modern and minimalistic, creative and colorful, or something in between. The key is to make sure the design enhances the content without overwhelming it.
  • Showcase Your Work: Use your website to highlight what you find most important. For example, if you’re applying for a design job, include a portfolio section where you can showcase your best work. If you’re into writing, add a blog or articles that demonstrate your skills. This is your opportunity to be creative and highlight your unique strengths. Consider featuring your work on the home page so it’s the first thing viewers see.

Consider featuring your work on the home page so it’s the first thing viewers see.

  • Highlight Wow-Factors: Some of your most impressive qualities or experiences might get overlooked in your resume, which is common due to the way resumes are typically formatted. For instance, if you boosted sales at your local bookstore by reorganizing their storefront, this achievement would likely be listed under "experience" on your resume, where it blends in with other details. With a website, however, you can showcase this information prominently at the top, making it stand out.

Showcase a Professional Photo

A professional photo is a must for your LinkedIn profile and can also be used in your resume if appropriate. Here’s how to ensure your photo makes the right impression:

  • Use an image that’s well-lit and clearly shows your face. Use a high-resolution image of 300 DPI (dots per inch). This is ideal for optimal quality in case your resume is printed.
  • Wear attire that matches the level of professionalism for your industry.
  • Keep the background neutral and clutter-free to maintain focus on your face.

Include a Personal Branding Statement

Your personal branding statement is like your elevator pitch - it’s a brief, compelling summary of who you are and what you bring to the table.

  • Highlight Your Value: Focus on what sets you apart, whether it’s your technical skills, creative approach, or passion for a particular field.
  • Be Concise: Aim for 2-3 sentences that capture your professional essence.

For example: “Innovative graphic designer with a passion for creating compelling visual narratives. Skilled in Kittl, with a strong focus on brand identity and user-centered design.”

Optimize Your LinkedIn Profile

A strong LinkedIn profile can enhance your job search by showcasing your resume, projects, and professional network. Follow the key LinkedIn profile tips below along with these additional 20 LinkedIn profile tips and make sure you follow all of the best-practices.

  • Use Your Professional Photo: Your photo is the first impression recruiters will have of you. We’re visual people and unfortunately are proven to judge a lot from appearances. So make sure your LinkedIn profile image looks professional. Dress professionally, stand in front of a plain background, use good lighting, and smile. Avoid dark, blurry, selfie style photos at all costs to put your best foot forward.
  • Fill in Every Section: Fill out all sections, including your summary, experience, education, skills, and certifications.
  • Include all Relevant Keywords: Incorporate industry-specific keywords into your profile to increase its visibility to recruiters. On LinkedIn, recruiters often search for candidates using specific keywords, so including these in your profile will help you appear in search results. Look at the profiles of professionals in the roles that you aspire to. Odds are you can take some good notes from their tactics.
  • Practice Networking: Connect with peers, join relevant LinkedIn groups, and engage with content in your field.

The Best Tool for Resume Creation: Kittl

Now that you know what to include in your resume, let’s talk about how to design it. A professional-looking resume can make all the difference, and that’s where Kittl comes in. Kittl is a comprehensive design platform that’s perfect for creating a detailed CV or a simple resume for freshers that looks polished and professional.

Simple resume example for freshers

Comprehensive Design Platform

Kittl isn’t just another resume builder - it’s a full-fledged design platform that offers a wide range of tools and features to help you create stunning visual content. You have to power to fully customize your resume to showcase who you are and what you can do.

Before you put the time into a costly or worse… complicated design platform, learn the key benefits of choosing Kittl to create your digital resume (or print resume).

  • User-Friendly Interface: Whether you’re a design novice or have some experience, Kittl’s intuitive interface makes it easy to navigate and use.
  • Customizable Templates: Kittl offers a variety of resume templates that you can customize to suit your style and the job you’re applying for.
  • Design Flexibility: You have full control over fonts, colors, layouts, and images, allowing you to create a resume that truly reflects your personality and professional brand.

Free Resume Templates

One of the standout features of Kittl is its collection of free resume templates. These templates are professionally designed and ready to use, making it easy to create a resume that looks like it was crafted by a pro.

Whether you’re looking for something sleek and modern, creative and bold, or simple and clean, Kittl has a template for you. Plus, they’re easily customizable. So once you’ve chosen a template, you can easily edit it by adding your information, adjusting the layout, and tweaking the design elements.

Create a professional quality resume with Kittl’s free resume templates: All templates are designed to look professional, ensuring your resume stands out in a crowded job market.

Easy PDF Download

Once your resume is ready, you’ll want to download it in a format that’s easy to share and looks great. Kittl makes this process seamless.

Kittl allows you to download your resume as a high-resolution PDF, ensuring it looks crisp and professional whether you’re sending it digitally or printing it out. And with Kittl’s free plan, you don’t have to spend a thing to download your document.

Edit Anytime

The job market is dynamic, and so are you. You might need to update your resume as you gain new skills, experience, or change your career direction. Kittl makes it easy to go back and make edits whenever you need to.

  • Save Your Designs: Your resume designs are saved in your Kittl account, so you can access and edit them at any time.
  • Quick Updates: Whether you need to add a new certification, update your contact information, or tweak your layout, Kittl makes it easy to make changes and download an updated version of your resume.

Steps to Create Your Resume on Kittl

Creating your resume on Kittl is a straightforward process, even if you’re new to design tools. Here’s a step-by-step guide to getting started:

1. Sign Up/Log In

First, visit the Kittl website and sign up for a free account. If you already have an account, simply log in to get started.

Signing up to design in Kittl is quick, easy, and FREE - Just enter your email and create a password.

2. Choose a Template

Next, browse through Kittl’s library of resume templates by navigating to the resume template category. Choose one that matches your style and the type of job you’re applying for.

3. Customize Your Resume

Once you’ve selected a template, it’s time to make it your own. Kittl’s design tools allow you to customize every aspect of your resume.

  • Add Your Information: Input your contact details, objective, education, skills, and experience.
  • Adjust Layout: Move sections around, change fonts and colors, and tweak the layout to suit your preferences.
  • Incorporate Images: If you want to include a photo, simply upload it and place it within the template.

4. Add Images

Including an image, like a professional headshot, can personalize your resume and make it more engaging. Here’s how to do it in Kittl:

  • Upload Your Image: Click the image upload button and select a high-resolution photo from your computer.
  • Position and Size: Use Kittl’s drag-and-drop tools to position the image and adjust its size to fit neatly within your resume design.

5. Save and Download

After customizing your resume, save your work to your Kittl account. Then, click the download button and select the PDF option. Kittl will generate a high-quality PDF that’s ready to send to employers.

6. Make Edits Anytime

Need to update your resume later? No problem. Just log back into your Kittl account, open your saved resume, and make the necessary changes.

  • Access Saved Designs: All your past designs are stored in your Kittl account, making it easy to revisit and edit them.
  • Quick Updates: Whether you’re adding a new experience or tweaking the layout, edits are quick and easy.

Tips for Using Images in Your Resume

Profile picture tips for resumes

Including an image in your resume isn’t required, but if you choose to, it can enhance your personal branding. Here are some tips to ensure your image looks professional and appropriate:

1. Use a Professional Headshot

Your photo should convey professionalism and approachability. Here are some tips for taking a professional headshot for your resume:

  1. Wear business attire that reflects your industry. Often opting for professional semi-formal attire can further enhance your image and make a positive impression.
  2. Choose a simple, clutter-free background so that the focus remains on you.
  3. Aim for a friendly, confident expression.

2. Prep For High Resolution Printing

A low-quality image can detract from the overall professionalism of your resume.

  1. Ensure your image is at least 300 DPI for print and digital clarity.
  2. Keep your image file size reasonable - too large, and it might slow down your resume’s loading time; too small, and it might look pixelated.

3. Size and Placement

The size and placement of your image can impact the overall design of your resume.

  1. Small and Discreet: Typically, a small (1x1 inch) photo placed near your contact information works best.
  2. Balanced Layout: Ensure the image doesn’t overpower the text. Kittl’s design tools make it easy to balance your layout.

Best Resume Examples for Freshers

Below is a selection of our favorite resume templates that are free to use and customize in Kittl. Each one has a unique trait that makes it stands out. We recommend using these resume ideas and copying them into your own.

We'll explain why these resume tactics should be adopted as a best-practice.

Why We Love This Resume Design

This resume example is simple yet creative. The level indicators or progress bars are an awesome addition that can show off your skills at a glance. It's an incredibly helpful way to let hiring managers know what you're great at and what you can bring to the team. This really highlights your best qualities and makes it easy for them to see how you'd be a great fit!

Why We Love This Resume Design

The QR code here is an excellent touch. It ensures their website is easily accessable in the case that the doc is printed. It also showcases creativity as adding QR codes to resumes and CVs isn't a very common practice yet. So we highly recommend you give this tactic a try, especially if you're a fresher, as it just might help you stand out.

Why We Love This Resume Design

Like a few of these resume examples, this one states exactly who the person is directly under their name. We specifically appreciate this format however because the title isn't limiting. They included Graphic Designer alongside Web Designer to showcase they're professional in more than one area. But that's not to say you'd want two completely different titles listed such as Web Developer and Zoo Keeper. If you have two key professions that are in the same wheel house and are typically desirable under one role, then list them. Showcase your range but show your focus and dedication to one area.

Why We Love This Resume Design

This resume design is a perfect example of one that includes a website. It's listed directly with the rest of their contact information so it's impossible to miss. We also love the use of icons here next to each contact detail. Learn more about symbols and their meanings and think of ways you can get create by using symbols in your resume. Perhaps a graph to represent something you improved.

Why We Love This Resume Design

Their profile summary is the perfect structure to tell a recruiter or potential employer exactly what they need to know - and ideally catch their attention so they put more focus on the rest of the fine details.

This profile intros by stating who the person is/what they do: a highly skilled and innovative Web Developer. It then lists a passion and skill of theirs: creating user-friendly websites. Then jumps to three specific skill areas: HTML, JavaScript, and PHP. And finishes with a desirable soft-skill: their an avid learner and this soft skill has led them to deliver cutting-edge solutions. Ideally this prompts the recruiter to read more. If you want to improve this even more, we recommend backing your statement with a result.

For example: "cutting-edge solutions that increase customer satisfaction by x%."

Free Customizable Resume Templates for Freshers

Get started with one of the resume templates below or visit our collection of free resume templates to browse more options.

Creating a Resume as a Freshman: Key Takeaway

Crafting a resume as a fresher doesn’t have to be overwhelming. By focusing on the essential sections, highlighting your strengths, and using an intuitive design tool like Kittl, you can create a resume that not only looks professional but also effectively communicates your potential. 

With Kittl’s easy-to-use platform, you can customize your resume to reflect your personal style, download it as a high-quality PDF, and make edits whenever necessary. Whether you’re just starting your job search or looking to refine your resume, Kittl makes the process smooth and stress-free. 

Now, you’re ready to create a resume that will help you land that first job and kickstart your career.

Get started with Kittl for free and create a resume with a customisable template now!