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failed payments

Understanding failed and incomplete payments

Payments can fail to complete for numerous reasons. Check the common issues below and how it can be solved.

Is your card active?

If it's a new card, make sure it's activated. If you are using an old card, make sure it is not canceled or expired. When a transaction is declined due to an expired card, ensure that a new card has been issued and activated.

Is your card type supported?

We accept Visa, Mastercard, American Express and Discover cards. If your card type is not supported, consider using a different payment method like PayPal.

Do you have sufficient funds?

You must have enough funds in your account to complete the purchase. If you are unsure about how much money is in your account, it is a good idea to check your balance before making any purchases.

Did you enter the correct card information?

Errors like inaccurate card numbers, incorrectly-entered expiration dates and security codes can cause issues during payment. Always enter your information carefully and review it before submitting.

Is your card enabled for online and/or international purchases?

In some cases, the card may be restricted for certain types of purchases, such as online or international transactions. It is essential to contact the card issuer or bank to determine if your card has any restrictions.

Are you using an India-issued card?

The Reserve Bank of India (RBI) issued a directive that introduces additional security measures for recurring payments on India-issued cards. For more information, contact your issuing bank.

If the payment continues to fail after checking everything, please contact your issuing bank for more information.


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