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basic handling

Basic Handling

Handling of elements on your artboard:

  1. Select an element and drag to move it around.
  2. Rotate an element using the rotate icon at the bottom of the bounding box.
  3. Click on a corner and drag to scale an element.
  4. Use the backspace key, or right click to delete an element.

Tip: The right-click menu contains features like copy & paste, flip, and group elements.

Zooming options:

  1. You can click the plus or minus button on your zoom bar at the bottom center of your screen to zoom in or out.
  2. You can use predefined zoom levels by clicking on the numeral value.
  3. You can press the option/alt key and scroll to zoom in or out.
  4. You can use the “+” or “-” key to zoom in or out.

Undo/Redo actions:

  1. Use the arrow icons at the bottom of your screen to undo or redo an action.
  2. You can use the shortcut Cmd/Ctrl + Z to undo an action and Cmd/Ctrl + Shift + Z to redo an action.


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