
July 31, 2024

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Popular Symbols and Meanings + How to Add Them to Your Designs

Popular Symbols and Meanings + How to Add Them to Your Designs

symbols and meanings chart with images

Whether you're a graphic designer, web designer, or marketer, understanding the meanings of common symbols and using them strategically in your designs can enhance your work's impact and effectively communicate your message to your audience.

The following sections will explore the significance of common symbols and how you can integrate them into your design projects.

What are symbols and why are they used in graphic design?

Symbols are images or graphical representations that represent an idea, concept, or object. They can be a simple shape, an object, or even a combination of various elements. Symbols are used in graphic design to communicate complex ideas and concepts concisely and visually appealingly.

One of the main reasons symbols are used in graphic design is their ability to convey meaning without relying on language. As a universal form of communication, symbols can transcend language barriers and effectively communicate with people from different cultures and backgrounds.

Moreover, symbols evoke emotions and create associations with certain ideas or brands. For example, the Nike swoosh symbolizes speed and movement, which aligns with the brand's message of athleticism and excellence.

Common symbols and meanings

Graphic design uses countless symbols, each with its unique meaning and significance. Here are some of the most common symbols and their meanings:


In many cultures, the raven symbolizes wisdom, intelligence, and mystery. In some ancient mythologies, it is also associated with bad omens, destruction, and danger.

How are they used?

The raven symbol is often used in branding to represent qualities like knowledge, power, and intrigue. It can also be found in literature and art to convey a sense of mystery or danger.


The rose is a widely used symbol representing love, beauty, and passion. Different colors of roses also hold specific meanings, such as red for romantic love and yellow for friendship.

How are they used?

The rose symbol conveys messages of love and beauty in various design elements, including logos, packaging, and advertisements. It has also been prominently featured in art, literature, and music throughout history.


The dove is a symbol of peace, unity, and harmony. It has been used in various cultures and religions to represent hope and reconciliation.

How are they used?

The dove symbol is commonly seen in peace movements, political campaigns, and other social causes promoting unity and non-violence. Brands also use it in their designs to convey messages of harmony and positivity.


The tree is a powerful symbol representing growth, strength, and stability. It is also associated with nature, life, and wisdom.

How are they used?

The tree symbol is often used in various environmentalism, sustainability, and wellness designs. It is also used in branding to convey messages of longevity and reliability.


The owl is a symbol of wisdom, knowledge, and intuition. It is also associated with mystery and magic.

How are they used?

In design, the owl symbol is often used to convey qualities like intelligence and insight. It can be found in logos, book covers, and other design elements related to education or spirituality.


The dragon is a powerful symbol representing strength, courage, and protection. It is often associated with ancient mythologies and is seen as a mystical creature.

How are they used?

The dragon symbol conveys a sense of strength and boldness in various elements, such as tattoos, clothing, and packaging. It is also used in branding to evoke a sense of power and protection.


The butterfly is a symbol of transformation, growth, and change. It is also associated with beauty and freedom.

How are they used?

The butterfly symbol is associated with various personal growth, self-discovery, and positivity elements. It is also commonly used in branding to convey messages of transformation and progress.


The dog is a symbol of loyalty, companionship, and protection. It is also associated with qualities like friendship and love.

How are they used?

The dog symbol can be found in various designs related to pets, animal welfare, and companionship. It is also used in branding to convey a sense of trust and reliability.


The fox is a symbol of intelligence, cleverness, and adaptability. It is also associated with qualities like cunning and survival.

How are they used?

In design, the fox symbol can be found in various elements related to strategy, problem-solving, and adaptability. It is also commonly used in branding to convey messages of innovation and resourcefulness.

Universal symbols and meanings

Some symbols are universally recognized and hold the same meaning across cultures. These include:


Wi-Fi symbols represent internet connectivity, technology, and mobility. They are commonly used on devices and in online services.

How are they used?

The Wi-Fi symbol is found in elements related to technology or the Internet. Brands also use it to convey messages of convenience and accessibility.


The recycle symbol represents sustainability, conservation, and environmentalism. It is commonly used in recycling programs and eco-friendly products.

How are they used?

The recycle symbol is used in sustainability and environmental awareness elements. Brands also use it to convey messages of responsibility and conscious living.


The heart symbol is widely recognized as representing love, affection, and compassion. It can also convey romantic or emotional connections.

How are they used?

Brands often use the heart symbol in their logos or marketing materials to convey a sense of care and connection with their audience.


The sun is a universal symbol of light, warmth, and life. It is also associated with qualities like energy and vitality.

How are they used?

The sun symbol is found in nature, travel, and summertime elements. Brands may also use it to convey positivity and vitality.


The moon is a universal symbol of mystery, intuition, and feminine energy. It is often associated with qualities like introspection and change.

How are they used?

The moon symbol is used in various designs related to creativity, spirituality, and mysticism. Brands also use it to convey messages of beauty and transformation.


The earth is a universal symbol of life, nature, and sustainability. It represents our planet and the importance of taking care of it.

How are they used?

The earth symbol is used in environmentalism, conservation, and sustainable living designs. Brands also use it to convey messages of responsibility and care for the planet.


The star symbolizes guidance, hope, success, and celestial bodies. It is also associated with qualities like ambition and inspiration.

How are they used?

The star symbol is used in design to represent adventure, exploration, and achievement. Brands also use it to convey messages of progress and aspiration.


Water is a universal symbol of life, purity, and cleansing. It is also associated with qualities like adaptability and flow.

How are they used?

The water symbol is used in wellness, cleansing, and spirituality designs. Brands also use it to convey messages of purity and rejuvenation.


The rainbow is a symbol of diversity, inclusion, and hope. It represents the beauty of differences coming together.

How are they used?

The rainbow symbol is used in design to represent equality, pride, and positivity. Brands also use it to convey messages of acceptance and diversity.

Peace Sign

The peace sign is a universal symbol of unity, harmony, and non-violence. It was popularized during the hippie movement in the 1960s.

How are they used?

The peace sign can be found in various designs related to activism, social justice, and peace movements. Brands also use it to convey messages of unity and positivity.


The anchor is a symbol of steadfastness, calm, and hope. It has roots in maritime culture and is often also associated with strength and grounding.

How is it used?

The anchor symbol is used in designs related to navigation, travel, and maritime themes. It is also popular in jewelry, tattoos, and branding to convey messages of stability, security, and reliable support.

Spiritual symbols and meanings

Some symbols hold spiritual significance and are often associated with specific religions or belief systems. These include:


The cross is a universal symbol of faith, sacrifice, and salvation. It is widely associated with Christianity and used in other religions and cultures.

How are they used?

The cross symbol can be found in various religious designs, such as churches and religious literature. It is also used in branding to convey messages of hope and redemption.


Om or Aum is a sacred symbol in Hinduism, Buddhism, and Jainism. It represents the sound of creation and is believed to bring inner peace and harmony.

How are they used?

The Om/Aum symbol is used in designs related to meditation, yoga, and spirituality. It is also used in branding to convey inner peace and balance messages.

Star of David

The Star of David symbolizes Judaism and divine protection and connection with God.

How are they used?

The Star of David is found in design elements related to Judaism, such as synagogues and religious literature. It is also used in branding to convey messages of faith and protection.


The cross or crucifix is a symbol of Christianity, representing the sacrifice and resurrection of Jesus Christ.

How are they used?

The cross/crucifix can be found in various religious designs, such as churches and religious literature. It is also used in branding to convey messages of hope and salvation.

Crescent Moon and Star

The crescent moon and star have both cultural and spiritual significance. They often represent Islam and its connection with Allah.

How are they used?

In design, the crescent moon and star are found in elements related to Islam, such as mosques and religious literature. They're also used in branding to convey messages of faith and guidance.


The ankh is an ancient Egyptian symbol representing eternal life and the union of male and female energies.

How are they used?

In design, the ankh can be found in elements related to ancient Egypt or spirituality. It is also used in branding to convey messages of balance and vitality.

Yin and Yang

The Yin and Yang symbol represents balance, harmony, and duality. It is associated with the Chinese philosophy of opposing but complementary forces.

How are they used?

The Yin and Yang symbol is commonly used in branding to convey a sense of balance and harmony. In design, it is found in elements related to spirituality, wellness, and meditation.


The Mandala is a spiritual and ritual symbol in Hinduism and Buddhism, representing the universe. It is characterized by intricate geometric patterns that symbolize unity, harmony, and the cosmos.

How is it used?

The Mandala is used in meditation and spiritual practices to aid in focus and inner peace. It appears in artwork, tattoos, and decorative designs to symbolize wholeness, balance, and the infinite nature of the universe.

The Tree of Life

The Tree of Life is a universal symbol found in various religious and philosophical traditions. It represents interconnectedness, growth, and the cycle of life, embodying the connection between all forms of creation.

How is it used?

The Tree of Life is commonly used in jewelry, art, and home decor to symbolize growth, unity, and life's interconnectedness. It is also featured in designs to convey messages of strength, resilience, and the continuity of life.


The Hamsa, also known as the Hand of Fatima, is a symbol of protection and good luck in Middle Eastern cultures. It depicts an open hand with an eye in the center, warding off evil and negative energies.

How is it used?

The Hamsa is widely used in jewelry, wall hangings, and decorative items to bring protection and fortune. It is also incorporated into designs to convey messages of safety, luck, and spiritual defense.

Lotus Flower

The Lotus Flower is a sacred symbol in Hinduism, Buddhism, and Egyptian mythology. It represents purity, enlightenment, rebirth, and spiritual growth, as it blooms beautifully from muddy waters.

How is it used?

The Lotus Flower is commonly used in meditation, yoga, and spiritual designs to symbolize growth and enlightenment. It is also featured in branding to convey messages of purity, beauty, and spiritual awakening.

Eye of Ra

The Eye of Ra is a powerful symbol in ancient Egyptian mythology representing the sun god Ra's eye. It symbolizes protection, royal authority, and the fiery power of the sun.

How is it used?

The Eye of Ra is often used in artwork and jewelry to invoke the protective and authoritative energy of the sun god Ra. It appears in designs related to strength, power, and divine wrath, providing a sense of ancient spiritual significance.

Eye of Horus

The Eye of Horus is an ancient Egyptian symbol of protection, royal power, and good health. It is associated with the god Horus and is believed to offer healing and safeguard against evil.

How is it used?

The Eye of Horus is commonly used in jewelry, amulets, and talismans to provide protection and bring good fortune. It is also featured in various designs to evoke a sense of mystical strength and divine guardianship.

Useful symbols and meanings for marketing and infographics

Symbols are used for their aesthetic appeal and spiritual meanings and serve practical purposes in marketing, infographics, and presentations. Some useful symbols include:


The checkmark symbol represents completion, approval, and success. It is commonly used in to-do lists, surveys, and product packaging.

How are they used?

The checkmark symbol can be found in elements related to tasks or goals, such as completion bars and progress trackers. It is also used in branding to convey a sense of accomplishment and satisfaction.

Dollar Sign

The dollar sign represents money, wealth, and finance. It is commonly used in pricing, sales, and financial reports.

How are they used?

The dollar sign is found in elements related to finance and business in design. Brands also use it to convey messages of affordability and value.


Emojis are symbols that represent emotions, reactions, and concepts. They are commonly used in messaging, social media, and branding.

How are they used?

In design, emojis can be found in elements related to communication or expression. Brands also use them to convey messages of playfulness and relatability.

Power Button

The power button represents energy, action, and control. It is commonly used in technology and electronics.

How are they used?

In design, the power button can be found in elements related to technology and devices. Brands also use it to convey messages of efficiency and capability.

Thought Bubble

The thought bubble icon represents ideas, imagination, and reflections. Designers and marketers commonly use it to signify creative thinking, daydreaming, and internal monologues.

How are they used?

The thought bubble symbol is used in various designs related to brainstorming, creativity, and personal reflections. It is also used in branding to convey a sense of innovation and thoughtful contemplation.

Speech bubble

The speech bubble icon indicates that someone is speaking or communicating. Designers and marketers commonly use it to represent conversation, dialogue, and communication.

How are they used?

The speech bubble symbol is used in various designs related to social media, messaging, and other forms of communication. It is also used in branding to convey a sense of customer interaction and engagement.

Network Branch

The network branch icon represents connectivity, data flow, and expansion. Designers and marketers use it to illustrate the spread of information, interconnected systems, and the growth of networks.

How are they used?

The network branch symbol is used in designs related to technology, networking, and data communication. It is also used in branding to convey a sense of connectedness and expansive growth.


The gears icon represents productivity, mechanics, and efficiency. Designers and marketers use it to signify machinery, operational processes, and the concept of things working together smoothly.

How are they used?

The gears symbol is used in various designs related to engineering, manufacturing, and productivity tools. It is also used in branding to convey a sense of efficiency, precision, and collaborative functionality.

Shopping Cart with Leafs

The shopping cart and leaf icon represents sustainable retail, eco-friendly shopping, and organic products.

How are they used?

Designers and marketers use it to signify green consumerism and environmentally conscious purchasing. It is also used in branding to convey a message of environmental responsibility and healthy living.


An icon of a person or people represents community, profiles, and customers.

How are they used?

The person symbol is used in designs related to social media, user profiles, and customer service. Designers and marketers use it to signify individual users, social connections, and human interactions. It is also used in branding to convey a sense of community, personalization, and customer engagement.

Lightbulb with Leaf

The lightbulb with leaf icon represents sustainability, energy efficiency, and eco-friendly ideas.

How are they used?

Designers and marketers use it to signify green technology and sustainable practices. It is also used in branding to convey a message of ecological responsibility and energy conservation.

Trend Graph

The trend graph icon represents data, insights, and performance.

How are they used?

Designers and marketers use the trend graph symbol in branded materials to signify growth. It's often used in marketing assets related to signify improved performance results.

Symbols and Meanings - Key Takeaway

Understanding the meanings behind symbols and incorporating them into your work can ultimately level up your branding or design game. You can access all of the symbols you've seen in Kittl's vast library of iconic symbols and common icons.

Ready to elevate your designs? Get started with Kittl today