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‘90s Slang Words and Phrases Explained

‘90s Slang Words and Phrases Explained

'90s slang words and meanings list

The Ultimate List of '90s Slang Words, Terms, and Phrases

Nostalgia for the nineties is making a major comeback, influencing everything from fashion and music to design - hello again, Memphis style! Today, references to the '90s along with distinctive ‘90s slang are popping up everywhere, from T-shirt designs to posters.

Take a trip down memory lane with this mondo list of 125 iconic '90s lingo. Pair these classic terms and phrases with your mom jeans, bucket hat, and windbreaker for the ultimate TBT vibe.

Now let's unleash the '90s nostalgia and jump into our list of 1990s slang words.

Enjoy more generational slang with our list of gen z slang words and phrases!

1. Fly

Another ‘90s slang for “cool,” this term describes someone who is stylish, attractive, or cool.

Example: "Check out my new sunglasses; they're so fly."

Fly 90's slang word

2. All That

This term is essentially ‘90s slang for “cool.” It’s used to describe someone or something that is highly impressive and exceptional. It implies being the complete package.

Example: "He thinks he's all that, but he really needs to check his attitude."

3. As If!

Popularised by the movie "Clueless," this phrase is used to express strong disbelief or rejection, akin to saying "Yeah, right!"

Example: "You think I’m going to the prom with him? As if!"

4. The Bomb (Da Bomb)

“The bomb” is ‘90s slang for “cool.” This phrase refers to something or someone that is really impressive or excellent. The term gained popularity in part due to the 1993 song "Da Bomb" by Kriss Kross.

Example: "That concert was the bomb; I've never had so much fun!"

5. Booyah

An exclamation of triumph or excitement, often used after accomplishing something impressive.

Example: "You went skydiving? Booyah!"

booyah 90's slang word

6. Home Skillet

A term of endearment for a friend, similar to "homey" or "buddy."

Example: "Hey, home skillet, what's up?"

7. Dodgy

When something is questionable, suspicious, or untrustworthy.

Example: "That used car dealership looks dodgy to me."

8. Scrub

Refers to a person, typically a man, who is perceived as lazy, unmotivated, and generally unsuccessful in life. Popularised by American girl group TLC’s song, "No Scrubs."

Example: "He never has a job and lives in his mom’s basement; he's such a scrub."

9. Boo

The original bae. This '90s word is an affectionate name for a significant other. 

Example: "I’m spending the evening with my boo, just watching movies and relaxing."

10. Chillin' Like a Villain

A phrase meaning to relax and take it easy, popularised by the show Batman: The Animated Series.

Example: "With no plans this weekend, I'm just chillin' like a villain at home."

Discover iconic '90s font styles in our retro fonts style guide.

11. I'm Outtie

This '90s phrase was an expression that meant “I'm out of here”

Example: "This party is dead. I'm outtie!"

12. Dip (Let's Dip)

Another term for leaving or exiting, similar to "bounce."

Example: "It’s getting late, let’s dip and get some food."

13. Whatever, Major Loser

This slang term goes along with some fun hand choreography where you flip your hands to make a M on the forehead with your three middle fingers. Then turn your hand to symbolise an E. Then turn it again, pointing fingers down, to symbolise an M before switching the hand to make an L.

Example: "You think you’re so great, whatever, major loser!"

14. Chillax

A combination of "chill" and "relax," meaning to calm down and take it easy.

Example: "You’re stressing too much about that test; just chillax."

15. Crusty

Refers to a particular group of people who dressed and behaved in a certain way.

Example: "That old jacket is so crusty, it's practically falling apart."

16. Crib

Slang for someone’s home or living space.

Example: "Wanna come over and hang out at my crib?"

17. Dope

Yet another 90’s slang word for cool, “dope” describes something or someone as excellent or cool.

Example: "That new track is dope; I've been playing it on repeat all day."

18. Kickin'

Describes something that is excellent or exciting.

Example: "This party is kickin’; everyone is having a blast!"

kickin' 90's slang word

19. Eat My Shorts

A rebellious catchphrase used to express defiance, popularised by Bart Simpson in The Simpsons.

Example: "You think I care about your rules? Eat my shorts!"

20. Hella

An intensifier meaning "very" or "a lot." "Hella" has sparked some debate around the question, "Is hella a bad word?" It's a casual slang term that roughly translates to "hell of a." Like much of '90s lingo, it's best reserved for informal settings.

Example: "That pizza was hella good, I could eat it every day."

21. Homie

A close friend or companion.

Example: "I'm just chilling with my homies this weekend."

22. Jiggy (Let's Get Jiggy With It)

This phrase means to get lively, have a good time, or dance. The term was popularised by Will Smith’s hit song “Gettin’ Jiggy wit It.”

Example: "The music's on, let’s get jiggy with it!"

23. Lame

Used to describe something or someone as boring, uncool, or inadequate.

Example: "That movie was so lame, I almost fell asleep."

24. Fresh

Describes something new, cool, and appealing.

Example: "Those sneakers are fresh; they just dropped last week."

25. Mondo

Slang for something huge or extreme.

Example: "I just found a mondo list of '90s slang terms created by Kittl! It's the longest collection of '90s words and phrases on the internet!"

26. My Bad

An apology or admission of a mistake.

Example: "Oh, I stepped on your foot - my bad!"

27. Not

Used after a statement to indicate that it is not true, often used sarcastically.

Example: "Sure, I'd love to do your chores - not!"

28. Oh Snap

An exclamation of surprise, shock, or excitement.

Example: "Oh snap! I forgot about the meeting today."

29. Psyche

Used to indicate that you were joking or to fake someone out.

Example: "I’m moving to Alaska next week - psyche!"

30. Gig

Refers to a job, especially one in entertainment or music.

Example: "I have a gig this Friday at the downtown cafe."

Gig 90's slang word

31. Rad

Short for "radical." This word is 90s slang for cool or excellent.

Example: "That skateboard trick you pulled was rad!"

32. Schwing

Slang for excitement, first coined by Mike Myers in his "Wayne's World" Saturday Night Live sketch and movie spin-offs.

Example: "Check out that car - schwing!"

33. Sick

Describes something as extremely cool or impressive.

Example: "That new video game is sick; I can’t stop playing it."

34. Sketchy

Describes something that is suspicious or unsafe.

Example: "That alleyway looks sketchy; let’s not go down there."

35. Sup

Short for "What's up?" used as a casual greeting.

Example: "Hey, sup? How's it going?"

36. Sweet

Used to describe something as excellent or very good.

Example: "I got tickets to the concert this weekend - sweet!"

37. Totally

An enthusiastic affirmation, often used to express strong agreement or excitement.

Example: "Do you want to hit the beach this weekend? Totally!"

38. Trippin'

Acting crazy or irrational, often used to describe someone overreacting.

Example: "You're trippin’ if you think I'm going to skydive."

39. Wack

Describes something as bad, weird, or of poor quality.

Example: "That new song is wack; I don’t like it at all."

40. Bling

Flashy jewellery worn to show off wealth or status.

Example: "He's always wearing bling to show off his wealth."

Bling 90's slang

41. Word

An expression of agreement or acknowledgment.

Example: "You’re going to the party? Word."

42. Veg Out

To relax and do nothing, often watching TV. 

Example: "I’m just going to veg out this weekend and catch up on my shows."

43. You Go, Girl

A phrase of encouragement or support, often used to cheer on a woman.

Example: "You got that promotion? You go, girl!"

44. Yo

A casual greeting or way to get someone's attention.

Example: "Yo! Can you help me with this?"

45. Aiiight

A slang version of "alright," used to express agreement or approval.

Example: "Want to grab some pizza later? Aiiight, sounds good to me."

46. Bangin'

Describes something as extremely good or impressive, often used for music or food.

Example: "This food is bangin’; I need the recipe!"

47. Buggin' (Totally Buggin')

Acting irrational or crazy, often used to describe someone who is overreacting.

Example: "You're buggin’ if you think you can finish that project in one night."

48. Butt-Head

A derogatory term for someone considered stupid or annoying from the show Beavis and Butt-head.

Example: "Stop being a butt-head and help me with this."

49. Can You Dig It?

A phrase used to ask if someone understands or agrees. It was initially popularised in the '70s and then later revived and used in the '90s.

Example: "We're meeting at the usual spot; can you dig it?"

50. Cowabunga

This term was popularised by the television show, Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles and was used as an exclamation of excitement or approval. 

Example: "We’re going surfing today - cowabunga!"

51. Duh (No Duh)

Used to imply that something is obvious. 

Example: "The sky is blue, duh/no duh!"

52. Dweeb

An insulting term for someone who is socially awkward or nerdy. 

Example: "He's such a dweeb, always doing his homework on Friday nights."

53. Gag Me With a Spoon

An expression of disgust or annoyance. 

Example: "You want me to listen to that terrible song? Gag me with a spoon!"

54. Gnarly

Used to describe something extreme, whether good or bad. 

Example: "That skateboarding trick was gnarly!"

55. Grunge

A style or genre of music and fashion that was popular in the early '90s. 

Example: "She loves grunge music and often wears flannel shirts."

56. Wiggin' Out

Acting crazy or irrational, often used when someone is stressed or panicked. 

Example: "She’s wiggin’ out over the exam results."

57. Wassup

A casual greeting or way to ask "What's up?" 

Example: "Wassup? How have you been?"

58. Get Over It

This '90s phrase is used to dismiss someone's concerns or emotions, urging them to move on from a problem or issue.

Example: "I know you're upset about losing the game, but get over it and focus on the next one."

59. Major

Used to emphasise something, often combined with an adjective. 

Example: "That movie was major lame."

60. Mint

Describes something in excellent condition, like new. 

Example: "I found a mint copy of that rare comic book."

61. Doofus

A playful or mildly insulting '90s term for someone who is acting foolish or silly, implying a lack of intelligence or common sense.

Example: "I can't believe I forgot my keys again. I'm such a doofus."

62. No Soup for You!

A '90s catchphrase that picked up popularity as a way to deny someone something they want. It originates from the popular "Soup Nazi" episode of the hit sitcom show, Seinfeld.

Example: "You didn't do your chores? No soup for you!"

63. Props

Short for "proper respects," used to give recognition or credit.

Example: "Props to her for organising such an amazing event."

64. Righteous

Describes something as extremely good or excellent.

Example: "That surf session was righteous, dude!"

65. Rock On

An expression of support or encouragement, often used in the context of music or achieving something cool.

Example: "You nailed that guitar solo, man. Rock on!"

rock on 90's slang

66. Scrilla

Slang for money or cash.

Example: "I'm saving up my scrilla for that new game console."

67. Slammin'

Describes something as excellent or impressive.

Example: "The party last night was totally slammin'!"

68. Spiffy

Used to describe something that is stylish or neat.

Example: "You look pretty spiffy in that new suit."

69. Supersize It

Refers to upgrading to a larger size, especially in the context of fast food meals. This '90s phrase stems from an old McDonald's slogan.

Example: "I’m really hungry, so I think I’ll supersize it."

70. Take a Chill Pill

A phrase telling someone to calm down or relax.

Example: "You need to take a chill pill and stop stressing about the test."

71. The Bomb Diggity

An even more enthusiastic version of "the bomb," meaning something is extremely excellent.

Example: "This new album is the bomb diggity!"

72. Dweeb

“Dweeb” is a ‘90s slang insult used to describe someone who is socially awkward, nerdy, or uncool.

Example: "Don't be such a dweeb; just ask her out already!"

73. Totally Tubular

This catch-phrase stems from the '90s show, Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles. It’s used to describe something as fantastic or excellent.

Example: "We had a totally tubular time at the amusement park."

74. Tight

Nineties slang for cool or awesome.

Example: "Your new shoes are tight; I love the design!"

75. Bounce (Let's Bounce)

To leave or exit a place, often used to suggest leaving a party or event.

Example: "This club is getting boring; let’s bounce."

76. Diss

A '90s slang term for "disrespect" or "insult," used when someone is rude or dismissive towards another person.

Example: "Did you just diss me in front of everyone? That wasn't cool."

77. Wicked

Describes something as very good or excellent, especially popular in New England.

Example: "The concert last night was wicked awesome!"

78. I Know You Are But What Am I?

One of the ultimate ‘90s insults. This phrase used to deflect an insult or criticism by turning it back on the speaker, often used humorously or childishly.

Example: "You're such a dork!" "I know you are, but what am I?"

79. Beeotch

A playful or more emphasised way of saying "b*tch" that originates from the cult-classic, Clueless.

Example: "She jokingly called her friend a beeotch for snagging the best seat at the table."

80. Big Whoop

Yet another phrase that stems from the classic film, Clueless, “big whoop” is used to indicate that something is not important or impressive.

Example: "So you got an A on your test, big whoop; I aced all my classes this semester."

81. Bite Me

A retort originating from Buffy the Vampire Slayer used to express defiance or tell someone to leave you alone.

Example: "When he teased her about her outfit, she simply replied, 'Bite me.'"

82. Blow Up

 A term popularised by The Fresh Prince of Bel-Air meaning to become very successful or popular quickly.

Example: "Her new song is starting to blow up on the charts; it's all over the radio!"

83. Bodacious

 A term popularised by Bill & Ted's Excellent Adventure that’s used to describe something as remarkable or impressive.

Example: "That was a bodacious wave you just surfed!"

84. Buffy Speak

A term that originates from Buffy the Vampire Slayer. This phrase was coined to refer to a unique, witty way of speaking with quirky slang and pop culture references. It’s a direct reference to the character Buffy and how she spoke, which was used to express her young age.

Example: "Her conversation was full of Buffy Speak, mixing slang and pop culture with humor."

85. Cha-Ching

Popularised by the show Friends, this term is used to indicate the making or earning of money.

Example: "I just got a bonus at work, cha-ching!"

Cha-ching 90's slang word

86. Butt-Munch

A '90s insult for someone who is annoying or contemptible that was popularised by the show Beavis and Butt-Head.

Example: "Stop acting like such a butt-munch and just let everyone enjoy the movie."

86. Catch You on the Flip Side

A way of saying goodbye, implying that you’ll see the person again later. Popularised by the pop-culture film, Pulp Fiction.

Example: "I've got to head out, but catch you on the flip side!"

88. Cool Beans

An exclamation used to express approval or agreement. This phrase originated in the '70s but became a popular '90s slang term from its use in the hit sitcom Full House.

Example: "You finished the project early? Cool beans!"

89. Bling Bling

Often shortened to just bling, is flashy jewelry worn especially as an indication of wealth or status.

Example: "He walked into the room with bling bling on every finger."

90. Dibs

If you want to claim something is yours, the fastest way to do it would be just saying "dibs!"

Example: "Dibs on the window seat!"

Dibs 90's slang word

91. Crunk

In the '90s, the slang "crunk" meant a state of high energy and excitement, often associated with partying and having a wild time. It originally described a style of music with energetic, party-centric lyrics but evolved into slang for any situation where people are hyped and full of energy.

Example: "The concert was so crunk; the crowd was going wild and jumping around the entire night."

92. No Diggity

An expression of agreement or approval, made popular by the Blackstreet song "No Diggity."

Example: "You nailed that presentation, no diggity!"

93. Ditto

A way of saying "same here" or expressing agreement.

Example: "I'm really excited about the concert tonight." "Ditto, I can't wait!"

94. Don't Have a Cow

A phrase from the ‘90s used to tell someone not to overreact or get upset.

Example: "Don't have a cow, it's just a little scratch on the car."

95. Ex-Squeeze Me

A playful way of saying "excuse me" from the show Wayne's World.

Example: "Ex-squeeze me, did you just say what I think you said?"

96. Foopah

Refers to a social blunder or faux pas. This '90s slang word was popularised by the show Seinfeld.

Example: "I accidentally called her by the wrong name; it was such a foopah."

97. Funky Fresh

This phrase was popularised in the show Fresh Prince of Bel-Air and is used to describe something as cool and stylish, often in a unique or original way.

Example: "Your outfit is funky fresh; where did you get it?"

98. Hasta La Vista, Baby

A catchphrase meaning "goodbye" or "see you later," popularised by Arnold Schwarzenegger in Terminator 2: Judgment Day.

Example: "I'm out of here; hasta la vista, baby."

99. I Pity the Fool

A catchphrase used to express disdain or lack of sympathy, made famous by Mr. T. in The A-Team.

Example: "I pity the fool who tries to mess with my family."

100. What's the 411?

A phrase asking for information or the latest news, derived from the telephone number for directory assistance.

Example: "Hey, what's the 411 on the new restaurant opening downtown?"

90s style shirt design for women

101. It's All Good

A phrase used to reassure someone that everything is fine. Popularised by The Fresh Prince of Bel-Air.

Example: "You accidentally spilled coffee on my shirt? Don't worry, it's all good."

102. Jinkies

An exclamation of surprise or discovery, used by Velma in the cartoon Scooby-Doo.

Example: "Jinkies! I lost my glasses."

103. Keepin' It Real

A phrase meaning to stay true to oneself or one’s roots.

Example: "Despite all the fame and success, she's still keepin' it real with her fans."

104. Off the Hook

Describes something as extremely good, exciting, or impressive.

Example: "The party last night was off the hook. Everyone was dancing till dawn!"

105. Off the Hizzy

Similar to “off the hook,” this phrase means something is extremely good, exciting, or impressive.

Example: "That DJ set was off the hizzy. I couldn't stop moving!"

106. All That and a Bag of Chips

Teenagers got a lot of mileage out of this '90s phrase, as it was also the name of a popular comedy show on Nickelodeon.

Example: "She thinks she's all that and a bag of chips just because she got an A on the test."

107. Shorty

This was a popular term of endearment for a girl or young woman in the '90s, frequently used in television and films from the time.

Example: "Hey, shorty, you want to grab some ice cream later?"

108. Gucci

The slang gucci hit the scene in the late ’80s and ’90s. As the fashion experts among us already know, this slang word refers to the Italian luxury brand Gucci. It also was used in place of saying “good.”

Example: "Everything’s Gucci on my end, how about you?"

109. Puh-lease

A dramatic, dismissive, or sarcastic way of saying "please," often used to express disbelief.

Example: "You think you're going to win the talent show? Puh-lease!"

110. Say What?

This '90s term used to express surprise or ask for clarification was a popular catchphrase from the show Kenan & Kel.

Example: "Say what? You bought a new car without telling anyone?"

111. Smokin'

A phrase used to describe someone or something as extremely attractive or impressive, popularised by the movie The Mask.

Example: "That dress is smokin'! You look amazing tonight."

112. Talk to the Hand

A dismissive '90s phrase used to tell someone that you’re not listening to them, often accompanied by a hand gesture to literally talk to the hand.

Example: "I'm done arguing with you. Talk to the hand."

Talk to the hand 90's slang phrase

113. What's the Dillio?

This '90s phrase originates from the film Clueless, asking “what’s the dillio?” is asking for information or clarification.

Example: "I heard there's a meeting today. What's the dillio?"

114. Clutch

The "clutch" slang word originated in the '80s and '90s, describing something that happens exactly when it's needed. The meaning eventually lead to its broader use to describe anything "excellent" or "highly effective." Recently, clutch slang has resurfaced in Gen Z lingo, maintaining its roots in 80s and 90s slang culture while continuing to signify something that’s timely and impressive.

Example: "Those snacks are coming in clutch."

115. So Not Cool

Used to describe something that is unpleasant or undesirable.

Example: "You canceled the party without telling anyone? So not cool!"

116. Dude

A casual term of address for a friend or acquaintance.

Example: "Dude! You won't believe what just happened to me."

117. Chill Out

A way to tell someone to relax or calm down.

Example: "You're stressing too much about the exam. Just chill out!"

118. Shut Up

Contrary to its literal meaning of "stop talking," which is what Julie Andrews' character mistakenly interprets it for in the film, The Princess Diaries, this phrase is actually used to express surprise or disbelief.

Example: "You're telling me you met Taylor Swift yesterday? Shut up!"

119. Buzz Kill

This '90s term refers to someone or something that ruins the excitement or enjoyment of an event or situation. Often used to describe a person who dampens the mood with negativity or bad news.

Example: "I was having a great time at the party until Tom started talking about work. Total buzz kill."

120. Busted

This '90s word is what you say to call someone out who’s been caught in the act.

Example: "You got paint everywhere! You're so busted!"

Busted 90's slang term

121. Phat

In the 1990s, phat came to be used as a synonym for cool. It’s often misspelt as “fat.”

Example: "Have you heard their new album? It's totally phat!"

122. Dope

Used to describe something or someone as excellent or cool.

Example: "That new video game you recommended is dope, thanks for the tip!"

123. Dank

Originally used to describe something damp and musty, it evolved in slang in the '90s to mean high-quality, especially in reference to marijuana. It can also describe something as exceptionally good or cool.

Example: "Those memes you sent me were dank. I laughed so hard!"

124. Baller

A lavishly successful person. It can also describe someone or something as “excellent,” especially in some spectacular way.

Example: "Did you see his new car? It's so baller!"

125. Sweet

 Sweet really took off in the 1990s, but it had been used off and on throughout the 20th century. This '90s word was used to express approval or admiration.

Example: "You got us front-row seats to the concert? Sweet!"

The Cultural Context of '90s Slang

The 1990s were a vibrant era marked by a dynamic blend of cultural trends, technological advancements, and a distinctive sense of style that left a lasting impact.

The '90s saw the rise of grunge music, the dominance of hip-hop, and the explosion of pop culture phenomena. And fashion evolved into the iconic styles we call 90’s aesthetics today.

These shifts were influenced by tech advancements that were reshaping everyday life. We were introduced to gaming consoles, DVDs, mobile phones, and...the internet. This wave of innovation sparked a new generational slang, creating a unique language that captured the spirit of the era.

Show You Know All the Popular '90s Slang Words

There you have the current longest list of '90s slang words including popular '90s phrases. If you love the '90s aesthetic, you can incorporate your favourite '90s terms to a design! '90s style is totally in right now and for the foreseeable future. So get creative and start making some '90s style t-shirts, posters, hoodies and sweatshirts, tote bags and SO much more!

To get inspired, check out some awesome designs made on Kittl inspired by the '90s which you can print on physical products. Perfect for a gift for a friend, a gift for you, or to sell on your online store.

Enjoy more generational slang with our list of gen z slang words and phrases!

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