
August 07, 2024

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kittl editor
infinite canvas

Kittl Editor Updates in August 2024

Kittl Editor Updates in August 2024

We're thrilled to announce the latest enhancements to Kittl, inspired by your valuable feedback and our dedication to providing a smoother and more intuitive experience. Here are the new features:

Undo/Redo is now lightning-fast

Our recent improvements feature a major update to the undo/redo functionality. Even when reversing performance-heavy actions, the Kittl editor can handle them in a fraction of a second. This means you can experiment more freely and make changes with confidence, knowing that any action can be quickly undone or redone without disrupting your workflow. Whether you’re making small tweaks or large adjustments, the enhanced speed ensures a seamless and efficient design process.

Infinite Canvas Improvements

To allow a smoother, frictionless workflow using Artboards, we introduced a batch of updates that make working a breeze. Here is what’s new:

  • Scale content while scaling artboards
  • Automatically arrange artboards of a newly added template
  • Indicating the position of objects in the canvas while hovering in the layers panel and vice versa
  • Double-click a layer in the layers panel to select and shift the view to it in the canvas
  • Change settings of multiple artboards together (Setting panel works for multi-selection of artboards)
  • Set any artboard as the thumbnail artboard through a right-click menu option
  • Snapping for objects outside artboards
  • Hold Shift to draw square Artboards
  • Draw an artboard around stray objects to encapsulate them

Width and Height properties in the Settings panel for objects

Work more precisely by using width and height inputs to set exact sizes to elements, photos, text, or any other objects.

  • View the dimensions of any selected object, group or artboard
  • Resize a selected object or artboard accurately by maintaining the aspect ratio (locked) or Width/Height individually

Your Feedback Matters

Your feedback is invaluable in helping us enhance Kittl and tailor it to your needs. We encourage you to share your feature requests and improvement suggestions, as they directly influence our development process. Let us know how we can make your design experience even better.